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Thanksgiving Dinner – November 22, 2008 | American Club Of Sweden

Thanksgiving is a traditional American celebration of the autumn harvest… this year we will enjoy favorite Thanksgiving dishes at the Sheraton Hotel Stockholm and then be treated for the second year in a row to the sounds of Slim's Gospel Train.

6:00 pm Registration and Welcome Drinks
6:45 pm Dinner
    Thanksgiving Buffet
    Thanksgiving Story
    Slim's Gospel Train (Gospel Choir)
9:00 pm Coffee and Dessert
11:00 pm Evening concludes

We are also pleased to announce that The American Club of Sweden will once again sponsor a Thanksgiving meal at Stadsmission’s Bostället, a transitional shelter for Stockholm’s homeless population.  Learn more about that event and our sponsor Ingelsta Kalkon, here.  Donations will be accepted at the dinner on the 22nd.  You can also email us at sponsorship@americanclub.se or call 08-559 21 709.

DATE: Saturday, November 22, 2008
TIME: 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
PLACE: Sheraton Hotel Stockholm, Tegelbacken 6
COST: SEK 550:- for American Club members who may bring one guest at the member price
SEK 650:- per non-member or additional guests
DRESS: Evening wear/business
INQUIRIES: Mike Twardy +46 73 714 8789
email: amevents@americanclub.se
RSVP: E-mail with the subject ACS Thanksgiving Dinner 2008 to amevents@americanclub.se or call Mike at +46 73 714 8789.
PAYMENT: Please confirm your reservations by remitting payment to Bankgiro 160-4040. Mark the payment stub “Thanksgiving 2008” and in very legible block letters, write your phone number and all the names of the participants included in the payment. Space is limited – please book as soon as possible!

Cancellations must be made no later than 5 p.m. Friday, November 14, 2008. Reservations are binding thereafter.