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Soulful Christmas Concert – December 14, 2009 | American Club Of Sweden

Book now to reserve your place!

Register by e-mailing events@americanclub.se no later than 30 November 2009. The price for dinner and the performance is 500 SEK, a 15 percent discount on the regular price. Please pay to ACS bankgiro 160-4040 indicating “Fasching” with your payment. Cancellation with refund accepted up to 7 December 2009.

This is a very popular event so book now, first-come-first-serve! If you are attending the Lucia Luncheon on 11 December, join the raffle for two free tickets to this event.

DATE: Monday, 14th December 2009, Dinner 18:00, Concert 20:00

Fasching Jazz Club, Kungsgatan 63, Stockholm


SEK 500:- per ACS member with one guest
SEK 600:- per additional guest

INQUIRIES: Contact Julie Lindahl via email: julielindahl@julielindahl.com.

E-mail names of guests in party and a mobile phone number with the subject ‘ACS Soulful Christmas Concert – 14 December 2009’ to events@americanclub.se
Space is limited – please book as soon as possible!

PAYMENT: Please confirm your reservations by remitting payment to Bankgiro 160-4040. Mark the payment ‘ACS Soulful Christmas Concert 2009’ and in very legible block letters (if by hand), write your phone number and all the names of the participants included in the payment.