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The American Club’s Alma Mater Exchange | American Club Of Sweden

The American Club’s Alma Mater Exchange

Are you interested in pursuing a college education in the United States? Are you feeling that you need a few more insights and contacts in order to pursue your goal?

Through the American Club’s Alma Mater Exchange you’ll be able to get in touch with our members who can be an invaluable resource in your efforts.

About the ACS Alma Mater Exchange: Sharing the experience of learning is a vital contribution that our Club can make to our societies and future generations. In order to pursue this goal, the American Club of Sweden has organized the Alma Mater Exchange which draws upon the experience of our membership at American colleges and universities to assist Swedes who are interested in pursuing an education in the United States.

Stay tuned for further information about the AME representative folder that will shortly be available at the Swedish Fulbright Commission in Stockholm! Here you will see names and contact details of persons who can help you to establish a connection to a college or university you are interested in. If you are or would like to be a representative of your US alma mater and connect to Swedish students through the Alma Mater Exchange please contact us at ame@americanclub.se!

Our initiatives:

The Alma Mater Exchange consists of a number of initiatives. These include:

1. Act as a resource for Swedes and other persons based in Sweden with an interest in higher education in the US, connecting them to different alumnae associations, the resource center at the Swedish Fulbright Commission and other resources such as initiatives by the US Embassy and Education USA.

2. Be a point of contact and co-ordinate with different US college and university alumnae associations based in Sweden.

3. Support international outreach offices and international exchange studies at Swedish universities.

4. Collaborate with theFulbright Commission of Sweden and the United States Embassy to:

  • welcome visiting Fulbrighters from US academic institutions to participate in our community;

  • welcome back Fulbrighters returning from US academic institutions and encouraging them to participate in ACS;
  • support the Fulbright Commission and the United States Embassy in making information about American colleges and universities available at college fairs such as the SACO Student Fair and others;
  • support the Fulbright Commission and the US Embassy in running cross-cultural workshops concerning the experiences of Fulbrighters in America and in Sweden

Download our information flyers concerning the AME:
Alma Mater Exchange – Flyer Student: For those interested in a college education in the US
Alma Mater Exchange – Flyer Alumni: For those interested in engaging as college representatives

If you have enquiries or require further information please contact ame@americanclub.se. We also refer you to the Study in the USA app (iOS) produced by the US Embassy in Stockholm.

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