Please join us at Etnografiska Museet, Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 34, Stockholm, on Thursday, May 29th for the American Club’s Annual Meeting followed by a mingle, tour and dinner. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the Club, make new friends, mix & mingle, and enjoy unique ethnic food and Stockholm's Etnografiska Museet. Members are encouraged to bring guests, but note that guests may attend everything except for the 40 minute Annual Meeting. For more information about the Museum of Ethnography, including directions, click here.
The Annual Meeting agenda is included below, printed in the Club’s Membership Register (Bylaw 6) and also viewable on our website
5:00 – 5:40 Annual Meeting — Members only
5:40 – 6:30 Mingle & Tour — Guests welcome!
6:30 – 7:30 DinnerDinner MenuSouth Indian Thali buffet with Tandoori Chicken, basmati rice, salads, vegetables, bread and more
Reservation & Payment Details
PRICE: 400:- SEK per member, 450:- per guest.
Includes: Welcome drink, wine/beer/alcohol-free drink and dinner. Members may bring guests to the mingle, tour and dinner.
RSVP: Reservation and payment no later than May 26th to: Mike Twardy or Tel: 073-714 8789. Then, send your payment to the American Club’s Bankgiro: 5473-6830. Write “Annual Meeting” and print legibly the names of participants. Reservations are binding after May 26th. No-shows will be billed.
2008 Meeting Agenda
Only members of The American Club of Sweden may participate in the Annual Meeting from 5:00 pm – 5:40 pm
1. The President opens the meeting
2. Election of Chairman and Secretary for the Annual Meeting
3. Compliance with Annual Meeting formalities
4. Presentation of the Annual Report
5. Presentation of the Financial Report
6. Presentation of the Auditors’ Report
7. Discharge of the liability of the Officers and the Board of Governors
8. Annual Dues
9. Presentation and vote on proposed changes to bylaws
10. Presentation of the Nominating Committee’s Report
11. Election of Officers and Members to the Board of Directors
12. Election of Auditors
13. Election of Nominating Committee
14. Other business
15. Adjournment